A Writing Research Associates
research project


24 September to
6 October 2001

In collaboration with the Arts Council of England, Sadler's Wells Theatre and Random Dance Company with primary funding from the Dance Department, Arts Council of England

project description [ONE]

participants [TWO]

research days [THREE]

focus days [FOUR]

roundtable [FIVE]

public seminar [SIX]

real time documentation [SEVEN]

writings/ references [EIGHT]

Software for Dancers: the main page


This website is set up to publicise the research project, Software for Dancers, as well as document its outcomes. There may be extensive revision to these pages during the upcoming two weeks, and its address may change (but we will keep this forwarding address) as we seek the best forms for access to and dissemination of the variety of outcomes that will emerge... so please check back.

This project arises out of the direct merging of different initiatives and, as a result, has an exciting, supportive and unique mix of contributors and participants. The organisers would like to thank in advance all those taking part in this shared open process.

For those of you following us through the interface of this website, there will also be a public seminar in London at the close of the project on 6 October. If you are unable to attend, besides this site, there will be published written accounts in various forms.

23 September 2001
Scott deLahunta (email)

viewing suggestions

return to updated user's guide page


As of 27-09: Nothing updated. Very busy working out a common language. Too busy doing that to add much to the website, but we are taking copious notes and hopefully over the weekend will get some stuff online.

As of 01-10: An updated software description is available on the real time documentation pages.

As of 02-10: The Round Table scheduled for Saturday morning has been shifted to another time. This does not effect the Public Seminar in the afternoon.
